Volunteer to Clean the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial
Starting in June 2017, DAV Chapter 10 has been providing volunteers and cleaning the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial with the National Park Service. The Memorial is located at 150 Washington Ave, SW, Washington, DC, 20024.
We clean the Memorial monthly from April to October each year.
2023 Cleaning Dates
We have received our dates to clean the Memorial for 2023. We will start at 7:30 am and every date below is a Saturday. Hope to see you there!
*May 27th *June 24th *July 22nd *August 19th *September 16th *October 28th
Since the Beginning




American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial

DAV was instrumental in the establishment of the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial, which was dedicated in October 2014. It is the only Memorial in our nation's capitol dedicated to the men and women injured or made ill during their active military service. To learn more, visit the Memorial's website, click here

At the 2019 National Convention in Orlando, the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial Foundation President, Dennis Joyner, presented then Chapter Commander Tom Wendel with a token of esteem for all Chapter 10's efforts. The award is made from actual pieces of the Memorial.

In December 2019, the National Park Service, National Mall and Memorial Parks presented DAV Chapter 10 with a Volunteer Service Award for their nearly 90 volunteer hours with over 70 volunteers.