Online Benefits Information Series
In order to provide detailed explanations and understanding of VA benefits as well as the claims and appeals process, Chapter 10 started our Online Benefits Information Series. Our Chapter Service Officers with over 50 years of combined experience provide step by step explanations of benefits and the claims process. In April 2019 we started these online benefits information webinars and started recording them. We have many planned for the future so please keep an eye out for them. Below are the ones currently available.
Survivor Benefits
This installment discusses survivor benefits, specifically, Dependents Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and Survivors Pension. Great information for veterans and their spouses to be prepared for the future. For additional information, check out DAV's brochure about Death Benefits, click here!
Service connection for PTSD
This installment discusses This installment discusses the requirements for service connection for PTSD and the 5 different regulations based on stressors or stressful incidents in service. For additional information, check out DAV's brochure about PTSD, click here!