DAV National Service Officers
The hallmark of DAV has always been service. Nationwide we have over 1,600 certified Chapter and Department Service Officers located in 1,370 Chapters and 52 Departments. We also have a professional staff of 304 Accredited National Service Officers (NSO) and Transition Service Officers (TSO) located in 100 offices throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
To become an NSO, an extensive 16-month training course is given to each NSO candidate. DAV is the only veterans service organization that has a training program certified by the American College on Education for college credits in legal research and writing, administrative law, litigation, introduction to para-legalism, pathophysiology and human anatomy. Every National Service Officer is a disabled veteran.
If you are unable to make a Chapter 10 Meeting for claims assistance, we encourage to contact the DAV National Service Office in either Roanoke or Washington, D.C. (both offices located at a VA Regional Office).
Washington DC DAV NSO Office
1722 I Street NW, Rm 210
Washington, D.C. 20421
FAX: 202-530-9298
e-mail: DAV.VBAWAS@va.gov
Roanoke DAV NSO Office
210 Franklin St SW, Rm 808
Roanoke, VA 24011
FAX: 540-597-1734
e-mail: DAV.VBAROA@va.gov